Learn to accurately evaluate saddle fit to both horse and rider, and understand the physical requirements of both in selecting a suitable saddle that will prevent discomfort, pain and injury. The Certified Equine Ergonomist course is now available completely online to allow students to learn the essentials of correct saddle fitting from the comfort of their own home and barn. With built-in support and assignments, you will get access to the most comprehensive saddle fit education without having to travel.
The Certified Equine Ergonomist course teaches students everything they need to know to properly assess any saddle, regardless of brand, to both horse and rider and make the necessary recommendations to alleviate pain and discomfort.
Course Fee Includes
- Online Theory
- Online Practicum
- Monthly LIVE classes
- CEE Toolkit
- Online Externship & Certification
- Lifetime Support
- History of saddle making
- Industry trends and challenges
- Technology & Saddle fit
- Circle of influence
- Equine musculoskeletal structures
- Negative reflex points as related to saddle fitting
- Asymmetry in horses
- Growth stages and development
- The saddle support area
- Physical damage caused by poor saddle fit – Horse & rider
- Postural changes caused by poor saddle fit
- Behavioral changes caused by poor saddle fit
- Human anatomy and biomechanics
- Equine anatomy and biomechanics
- Common rider health issues
- Rider asymmetry
- A look at the saddle – in depth
- The 8 common saddle fits
- Rider & Saddle evaluation
- Saddle & Horse evaluation
- How-to practical video lessons
- Live classes with a certified teacher
- Rider to Saddle assessment
- Saddle to Horse static assessment
- Saddle to Horse dynamic assessment
- Saddle condition and assessment
- English & Western saddle components
- Understanding the 80+ point evaluation
- Introduction to your tools
- Externship tools and information
- Complete & submit 30 student evaluations of personal/friend/family horse and riders
- Make necessary changes and corrections as outlined by the Saddlefit 4 Life® certified teacher