Certified Equine Ergonomist

Welcome to the practical and externship portion of the Certified Equine Ergonomist program! I’m thrilled to embark on this hands-on journey with each of you as we delve deeper into the world of saddle ergonomics.

As you transition from theory to practice, you’re stepping into a realm where your knowledge will be put to the test in real-world scenarios. The practical portion of this program is where you’ll hone your skills, refine your techniques, and ultimately become adept at assessing and optimizing saddle fit for both horse and rider.

Throughout this journey, remember the fundamental principles you’ve learned during the theory portion. These principles will serve as your guiding light as you navigate the complexities of equine ergonomics in practical settings.

But theory alone can only take you so far. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and immerse yourself in the practical application of what you’ve learned so far. 

Keep an open mind and a curious spirit as you encounter different saddles, breeds, disciplines, and riding styles. Every interaction will provide valuable insights that will contribute to your development as a skilled Equine Ergonomist.

As you embark on this practical journey, I encourage you to approach each challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and a commitment to excellence.

In-Barn Assignment & Externship


Externship Uploads

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