Custom Made Saddles – The Ugly Truth (Cost Doesn’t Equal Value)

Mastering Saddle Fit: Why an Adjustable Saddle Is the Ultimate Solution

Expensive Saddle =/= Good Saddle
Custom Saddle =/= Good Saddle
FITTING Saddle = Good saddle
Fitting Adjustable Saddle = Ideal Saddle

A common complaint when discussing saddles is “Well I can’t afford a $5000 custom saddle!”. Many are under the impression that a saddle must be either expensive, or custom made to be good, however that is absolutely NOT  the case!

When we evaluate a saddle, we don’t mark down what was paid for it, because the price has ZERO to do with how well it fits. Period.

We have seen saddles costing upwards of $10,000 and they fit like GARBAGE. We have seen saddles that the person bought used for $1000 that allowed the horse the freedom and comfort to move properly.

Especially when it comes to custom, keep in mind that the horse is a living animal and the shape of the back changes constantly. Not jut as the horse grows and matures, but throughout its entire life. If you do strictly groundwork you will see changes in your horses back within a couple of months. That said, when you have a saddle custom made for your horse, they are making it to the measurements they took, and since most custom saddles take between 6-8 weeks, if you’ve done any riding or groundwork, the shape your horse was when the measurements were taken, will likely be different from the shape your horse is when the saddle is finally ready.

The majority of custom saddles are not adjustable, meaning once they’re made, that is the shape/size they will remain unless it is taken apart again.

Keeping in mind how much the horse changes, whether you spend $200 or $20,000 on your non-adjustable saddle will not change the fact that when the muscles and posture develop, you will need a new saddle.

Sadly many simply turn to a mountain of pads or improperly placed shims to make the saddle fit, not realizing the world of damage they’re doing.

A good adjustable saddle that can be changed again and again to fit the horse as he grows is the best possible solution (and in the end, the most economical).

Can you get a good adjustable saddle for $1000? Why not?

There are Facebook groups dedicated to specific brands of second hand saddles, as well as general used tack groups.

The only advice would be to not jump into looking for a saddle until your horse is evaluated by a Saddlefit 4 Life CEE or CSE. That way you know for sure what YOU need, what your HORSE needs, issues your horse may be experiencing from the saddle, and a report to take with you when you go saddle shopping. Not to mention an entire network to answer your questions and provide additional clarity on areas of the evaluation that you’re unsure about.

(We have nothing against fancy, blingy saddles – we love them too, but crystals do not make a saddle fit.)

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